The “Event” popup menu is used to choose the event type. A DynLP event supports the following event types:
• Set number
• Get number
• Optimize
• Eval. vector
• Recalculate
Set number
The “Set number” event is used to set the value of a DynLP table element during a simulation.
Get number
The “Get number” event is used to get the value of a DynLP table element during a simulation.
When the “Optimize” event is sent to DynLP, the current LP problem is solved, and the value of the optimal solution, i.e., “S”, is returned back to DynRisk.
Eval. vector
When the “Optimize” event is sent to DynLP, DynLP calculates the solution value, “S”, given the current status of the vector of variables, “X”. The result is returned back to DynRisk.
When the “Recalculate” event is sent to DynLP, the current LP problem is solved, without returning anything back to DynRisk.